Mini Monstera (Rhapidophora Tetrasperma) is a small tropical houseplant that is easy to care for and provides lots of fast, visible growth with its beautiful leaves that split on opposing sides.
They are a member of the Araceae family, along with their cousins Monstera and Philodendron, but are not actually “monstera” or "philodendron" (we know the nicknames can be confusing!). They are a separate genus of plants within the family of Aroids.
Rhapidophora tetrasperma are its own genus, found in South East Asia, and are resilient and tough to kill. With the right care, you can keep your Mini Monstera thriving and it may become your favourite plant in the collection!
Here are the top tips to care for your Mini Monstera
Keep your mini monstera in bright, indirect and filtered light for a happy plant. Avoid intense and direct so the leaves don’t burn.
She is definitely NOT a low light plant - it will grow slowly and will produce small foliage with less splits if placed in an area with too little light.
Water your mini monstera when the top 2 inches of soil are dry to the touch. Add water until you see it drain from the bottom of the pot, and remove any excess water that runs out. If you forget to water it here and there, the Mini Monstera will be okay, but a consistent and attentive watering schedule will give you lots of leaf growth.
Humidity and Temperature
The Mini Monstera will do fine in standard home humidity, and will thrive in higher humidity. For best results, keep near a humidifier or close to the bathroom. Maintain a comfortable temperature in the space, anywhere between 18-23℃.
Soil and Fertilizer
Use a well-draining potting mix, and combine it with orchid bark to increase the drainage.
As far as feeding, she does well with a balanced or high-nitrogen fertilizer monthly during spring or summer. Cut down fertilizing during colder months when growth slows down.