With the right care, even the most finicky and difficult tropical plants can thrive. The Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) is notoriously hard to manage. Check out our care guide so you are well equipped to be a great plant parent to your Fiddle-leaf Fig.
They have large, eye-catching leaves that need extra love and attention, and it is no secret why these plants are a favourite for Canadian tropical plant lovers. We promise they are worth the work.
Shop the Fiddle-Leaf Fig here.
Use this guide for a healthy Ficus lyrata:
The Fiddle-Leaf is sensitive to their environment. Focus on consistency and attending to their needs for a happy plant!
The leaves on the Fiddle-Leaf are large and require a lot of sunlight. Place your plant in a space that gets bright indirect sunlight. The leaves are sensitive to burning in intense direct sunlight and will not do well in low light. The key to a thriving Fiddle-Leaf is finding that sweet spot of sunlight. They will indicate that the sunlight isn’t right by developing brown and yellow spots on the leaves.
If you do not have proper sunlight in your space, you can use a full spectrum grow-light to create the proper environment for your Ficus. If the leaves start dropping, this may be an indication that your plant is not getting enough light.
Temperature and Humidity
The Fiddle-Leaf loves a warm climate, and to mimic the environment from its tropical African origins keep your space at the temperature of 18-27°C, and at night no colder than 15°C. Use a humidifier to maintain a higher humidity level (around 40-50%) and mist the leaves throughout the week between watering.
Water your Fiddle-Leaf when the top 2 inches of soil is dry. Ensure that the pot has proper drainage to prevent root rot. The frequency of watering depends on the temperature of your home, so watch closely for how quickly the soil dries out. Slowly water the soil with just enough that the water drips out of the bottom. Remove any excess water from the tray below the pot or let the pot drain in the bathtub or sink.
Leaf Care
Rotate the pot every couple months to give the leaves balanced light. Using a microfiber cloth, mist the leaves and wipe them once a week to keep them shiny and clear of dust. This will help with efficient photosynthesis. Handle sensitive the leaves gently and remove any damaged or dead leaves. If there is a cluster of damaged leaves at the top, chop the stem with a clean sharp pair of shears to promote fresh growth.
The Fiddle-Leaf Fig is a tough cookie, but worth the work. With the right care, you can have a stunning favourite in your plant collection.
Shop the Fiddle-Leaf Fig here.