Repotting your succulents can be a good idea for several reasons. Sometimes your green babies just need to be placed in a fresh home where their roots have new soil to settle into. Repotting plants can keep them healthy and give them more space to grow. If you want to learn how to repot succulents, we’re here to break down the steps and instructions, so that the whole process is manageable from start to finish.

When to Repot Succulents
The first thing you should do is recognize when to repot succulents. These are some signs your houseplants need to be repotted:
Packed roots - Roots need adequate space to grow. When you notice your plant’s roots growing out from under the planter, this is a sure sign that your succulent is feeling packed. In this case, the plant should be placed in a larger container that will give the roots enough breathing space.
Poor drainage - Succulent roots will rot in wet conditions. If you notice that your soil doesn’t drain well, or it’s constantly damp, then you should repot your succulent. Repotting your succulent can save it from rotting. Just provide dry, well-draining soil and give it some time to settle before watering again.
Pests and insects - Bugs and other critters might be attracted to your beautiful, vibrant succulents. If pests are hiding in the pot, you should get rid of the problem before it spreads to nearby plants
Overgrown foliage - When your plant towers over its container and the foliage look ready to burst out, this is a sign your succulent is ready for a larger home.
Unhealthy appearance - If you’ve given your indoor succulent enough water and light, but it still looks discolored and ill, you can try repotting it. Sometimes fresh soil is just what your plant needs for a reset.
How to Repot your Succulent
Before you repot your plant, you need to get your supplies ready. You will need:
- a new pot
- new succulent soil
- a small shovel
- something to cover drainage holes (e.g., newspaper, coffee filters).
Step 1: Gently remove the plant from its container. Be super careful when handling the roots. Hold the plant by its base and lightly pull it while tapping the container.
Step 2: Loosen up the roots of your succulent and get rid of extra dirt and debris. Softly brush away the dirt, or use water to clean them. If you use water, you need to dry the roots for three to five days away from direct sunlight and rain.
Step 3: Plug up the drainage holes to avoid spills. Place some of your new mix at the bottom of the pot. Put your succulent in the center of its new home. Carefully add succulent mix around the roots until the pot is filled up. Don’t pack in too much soil—or else your succulent won’t be able to breathe! And make sure there’s some space between the soil and the top of the container.
Step 4: After repotting, Give your green friend a couple of days to settle into its new soil. After a few days, you can lightly water your plant—be careful about overwatering, since this is a sensitive period for your succulent!
Repotting Cuttings
If your succulent is suffering from rot and you want to save it, or if you simply want to propagate your plant, then you can repot cuttings. Just follow these easy steps.
Step 1: Choose the leaves that you want to replant. Cut directly at the stem. Give your cuttings a few days to dry.
Step 2: You can place your cuttings in either water or soil. If you’re using soil, put your stems in a shallow container filled with succulent mix. Water your cuttings sparingly (and avoid overwatering). After a few weeks, roots will begin forming.
If you want to place your cuttings in water, put them in a jar or container with the stems just above the water. The stems can rest against the rim of the container. Place them by a window where they can get some light. After roots form around the base, your cuttings are ready to be planted!
Step 3: Get a new pot for your cuttings. Fill the pot with a well-draining succulent mix. Dig a small hole that can fit your cutting’s roots and place it inside.
Step 4: Fill around the roots with soil. Make sure the leaves are above the ground. Gently tap down the mix when you’re finished.
Step 5: Wait until the next day to water the planter, and give it some time to acclimate. Watch your succulent grow after a few weeks! Happy planting!