Snake Plant Care: A Guide for Canadian Newbies Snake Plant Care: A Guide for Canadian Newbies

Snake Plant Care: A Guide for Canadian Newbies

Take care for your Snake Plant by following these simple guidelines on how to water, repot & maintain a healthy, happy & dazzling indoor plant in your home.

Sansevieria trifasciata, also known as the Snake Plant, is a resilient, hard-to-kill tropical succulent. This is a perfect beginner plant. They are hardy and tolerant of low light, thrive in bright light, and require infrequent watering.

Best of all, they are strong and efficient air purifiers, making it a must have houseplant.

Add the Snake Plant to your collection here.

Here is a simple care guide for your Snake Plant: 


Snake plants should be placed in a pot with drainage holes on the bottom. Terracotta pots are ideal for these succulents since they help the soil dry out more easily. It is also essential to use a container made of sturdy material; you don’t want the plant’s roots to overgrow and crack the pot. Snake plant roots are very strong and can break pots that are weak or unstable.


Snake Plants tolerate most lighting conditions, from bright to low light. To help your Snake Plant thrive, they will do best with medium to bright light. 


Snake Plants are quite drought tolerant and only need to be watered when the soil is completely dry. Typically, in the spring/summer you only need to water the Snake Plant every 3-4 weeks, and even less in the colder months.

Use well-draining soil

 Use a potting mix that allows for adequate drainage. This plant prefers loose mixes. Well-draining soil is essential because snake plants can’t survive in soil that’s too moist. Cactus potting soil can be used for snake plants. When water drains out of the pot, it should be removed from the saucer to avoid creating damp conditions.


Snake Plants do not like to be in the cold, as they are native to Tropical southern and central Africa. To mimic these optimal conditions, keep your plant inside with a temperature between 18-24°C.


Dealing with root rot

Succulents are prone to root rot, which generally happens when the soil is left too damp (poor drainage) or if the plant has been overwatered. You may be able to save your snake plant. Remove the roots gently from the soil, let dry on a paper towel, then repot in dry soil.

Getting rid of pests

Sometimes, pests and critters, such as spider mites and mealybugs, will gravitate to your plant. To get rid of these pests, you can use a small amount of rosemary and neem oils. These oils have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. You can also add a small drop of dish soap on a damp rag to wipe down the leaves to deter these crawlies from coming.

Snake plant toxicity

Although these attractive succulents come with a host of benefits, they are also toxic to pets. Pets should not ingest the plant. Watch out for symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, mouth pain, and vomiting. These might appear if your pet consumes the plant’s fluids. To keep things safe, try to place your snake plant out of reach of your animal companions.

Add this low maintenance plant to your space. Shop the Snake Plant here.

PS. Check out this variation of the Snake Plant, the  mikado, a compact version of the classic Sansevieria trifasciata. 

Sansevieria fernwood