Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) is a glorious and eye catching tropical plant that is native to South Africa. They get the nickname from their flowers, orange and shaped like birds of paradise. It is rare to get flowers as indoor houseplants, but you may end up with a surprise with the right conditions!
The aesthetics of Bird of Paradise truly create the "indoor jungle" look. Fun Fact: Strelitzia reginae are cousins to the banana!
Here are the top care tips for the Bird of Paradise
Thrives in bright direct and bright indirect sunlight. These plants are great in full sun.
Allow the soil to dry out between watering, typically every 1-2 weeks. For best results, let tap water sit out overnight to remove the chemicals as the Bird of Paradise is quite sensitive to chlorine.
Use a well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes in the bottom.
Humidity and Temperature
Can tolerate average household humidity and temperature, and will thrive in high humidity and warmer temperatures.
Add the Bird of Paradise to your plant collection here.